So, I'm new to this blog thing. Was somewhat resistant to it but was hounded by enough people to create one, so here I easy on me.
I've created this blog for two reasons...I love food and I love my Gigi.
We all get the food thing. There are enough food blogs out there to make a girl go blind. That doesn't make it any less lovely to me. Cooking is a hobby for me. No, actually cooking is therapy to me. I am a happy and content person...I love to cook...coincidence? I think not.
But Gigi. Now that's something that's unique to me and my history. Gigi is my maternal grandmother and she has been one of the most significant institutions in my life. Yes, I said institutions. She is more than a person, more than my mother's mother, more than my grandmother. She is Gigi, she is an institution.
Gigi was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. It's an awful and rude disease and if you harp in on these characteristics, it will getcha. I, however, choose to focus on the characteristics that absolutely make me crack up. Not every day, mind you. Yes, sad and weepy at times. But mostly, I find it amusing that she wonders how the black bean got it's name (story to follow I'm sure) and other such shenanigans.
Gigi initiated my love of cooking. It's not that she's a good cook or anything (no offense Gigi) but she always had a spot for me inside her kitchen. My innards are probably coated with cookie dough and brownie batter, but I believe every happy and content person's innards should be so lucky!!
Thus, the blog. It combines my two loves and allows me the ability to share recipes and my love for Gigi as well as provide me an outlet on "the disease" and it's course in our lives. Let's face it, when Gigi was diagnosed, I saw my very own fate right before my eyes...
More to follow...
By the way, have you noticed my love for the three period sentence endings? Doesn't it give such a sense of impending doom? ...