Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Schwan's Man, an Ice Cream Scoop & Gigi's Chocolate Sauce

Ahhh, "The Schwan's Man"...this lovely shell of a man showed up every other week at Grandpa Earl & Gigi's Illinois farm house to unload a 5 gallon tin of vanilla ice cream.  (Yep, I said 5 gallons and yep, I said every other week...keep it to yourself ...my curves don't come from eating celery.)  My grandparents had some massive sweet teeth...a dominant gene I have inherited from both of them.  To be honest, I'm fairly certain that sugar has allowed Gigi's dentist to take an early retirement but I digress.

"The Schwan's Man" is to our family like whiskers are to a kitten.  I have absolutely no idea where that came from but I imagine that whiskers are vitally important to a kitten...thus, "The Schwan's Man" was and is vitally important to me.

Okay, so let me put it one other way just to ensure you really get it.  When my sister, Kelly & I moved to Indiana in grade school with my mom and dad, we felt lost.  That is, until my mom caught a glimpse of a Schwan's truck out of the corner of her eye one afternoon.  Unafraid that she looked like a crazy, starved wolf lady, she ran down the street, arms a' flailing and screaming for "The Schwan's Man" to stop and sell her 5 gallons of vanilla ice cream (and frozen cookie dough, Gold'n Nugget Bars, and Scooter Crunch Bars to boot). 

Fast forward 25 years and I now have Jason, my very own "The Schwan's Man" who makes pretty much the same delivery to my home as his predecessor made to Gigi's.  Love!  BTW, if you want a "The Schwan's Man", here's their website.

Our love for ice cream is great...not denying this, but let's just break it down like it really is...a vehicle for the chocolate sauce...and Gigi made THE BEST!!  And, I would really be lying if I didn't acknowledge the fact that Grandpa Earl's green ice cream scoop made our treat taste even better somehow.

My Grandpa Earl gave me his ice cream scoop for Christmas one year...just a couple of years before cancer took him from us.  Cancer is just as rude as Alzheimers...just sayin'.  To this day, this beat up ol' green ice cream scoop is my most cherished gift.  It is a constant reminder of him and his love for us (and ice cream).  Not to get too sappy, but I really wish he was here right now snarfing down this delicious bowl of Schwan's vanilla ice cream with me.  

Gigi's Chocolate Sauce
1 (14.5) oz. can evaporated milk
2 cups sugar
4 oz unsweetened chocolate
1/4 cup butter  (Gigi used "oleo" because that's what she used in EVERYTHING)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp instant coffee grounds (not in Gigi's original recipe but I like the boost of flavor)


  • Heat the milk and sugar in a medium sauce pan to a rolling boil, stirring constantly
  • Boil and stir for AT LEAST 1 minute, or until sugar is dissolved
  • Add chocolate, stirring until melted and smooth (use your whisk and beat the tar out of it)
  • Remove from heat to add your butter, vanilla, salt and coffee
May you enjoy this recipe as much as I have!

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